Friday, 28 May 2010

Happy Fling Weekend

Well here we are on the eve of Spring Fling 2010. I bet there are still a few putting finishing touches to their cleaning of workshops and displaying of their work. To all, be you the artists and craftspeople taking part or the visitors from far and wide that we are looking forward to welcoming, have a wonderful Spring Fling weekend, I hope the sun shines and you all have a great time. Hopefully there will be some mid Fling pictures and stories to tell here over the weekend and beyond. Pop back soon to see. Best wishes all!


  1. Have a great Spring Fling everyone. Castle Douglas was really busy today so it looks as if there will be lots of visitors for the weekend ahead.

    Zoe and Jill

  2. It is so wonderful reading participants' blogs and hearing on the grapevine of the success Spring Fling 2010 has been for all. Fab to see pictures and videos also having not been able to make it down this year. Congratulations everyone, Helen.
